Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that effect everyone.
Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that effect everyone—even if you are healthy! While they are a natural part of living, if not controlled they wreak havoc in your body.
Operating at the molecular level, they can compromise every system of your body, including the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, and muscular systems.
An understanding of free radicals is essential for any person who intends to live in a way that will allow their body the opportunity to optimally support itself and live well.
Free radicals exist for less than one-millionth of a second and are the result of metabolic processes. We produce billions or even trillions every second! They are the output of living.
Normal molecule with paired electrons
Antioxidant with extra electrons
Free radical with missing electron
Free radicals occur naturally in the body when nutrients are broken down to create the energy that allows our bodies to function and when the immune system is responding to invaders. They are also generated by the body in response to environmental stressors, such as smoke, pollution, and UV rays.
Free radicals are like pinballs in your body that bounce around and cause damage to anything they come in contact with. More technically, they are atoms with one or more unpaired electron in their outer shell. These atoms are inherently unstable and cause damage when they steal electrons from other atoms.