Pure™ Lime Essential Oil


Meet Pure Lime

Personality: Sweet and upbeat

Favourite Colour: Bright green

Aroma: Clean and sugary with a citrus-sour note

Best Trait: Adding a refreshing twist to everything from diffuser blends to cleaning supplies

Comes From: Mexico

Cool Fact: The use of citrus to combat scurvy was initially a closely guarded military secret. The ability to remain at sea for long periods of time without contracting the disorder gave them a distinct advantage. British sailors thus acquired the nickname “Limey” because of their use of limes!

Usage Ideas:

  • Diffuse & Uplift: Diffuse 2–5 drops of Pure Lime to enjoy its fresh, uplifting scent.
  • Lime Countertop Cleanse: Like other citrus fruits, Lime has powerful natural cleansing properties. Add 15–20 drops of Lime to your favourite EcoSense® products or mix it with 473 mL of water and place it in a spray bottle to help remove residue on tables and countertops.
  • Citrus Glow Complexion Blend: Mix a few drops of Lime with your face lotion to promote healthy-looking skin.
  • Sweet Lime Shampoo Blend: Combine 3–4 drops of Lime with a dollop of your shampoo for added cleansing benefits.

Dilute: Sweet Lime Shampoo Blend: Combine 3–4 drops of Lime with a dollop of your shampoo for added cleansing benefits.

Plant Parts Used: Peel

Extraction Method: Cold pressed



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